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Welcome to the Scheduled Messaging API. You can use it to retreive your messages, create new ones and update or detele them.

We provided basic examples to test the different Messaging APU endpoint.

This API documentation page must and was generated with Slate


To authorize, use the Authorization with every request:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules"

Make sure to replace scheduledrules with your API key.

To use the Message API you need an API key. You can find your personal API key in the Scheduled Web app settings page.

The Message API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: scheduledrules


Get All Messages

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules"

The above command returns JSON structured list like this:

    "uid": "dJq2jvUOok2FdDxKAt9",
    "text": "Hello There",
    "recipients": [
        "phone": "+316876543210",
        "lastname": "Appleseed",
        "firstname": "John"
    "spentCredits": 1,
    "repeatMode": "kSCHRepeatModeNone",
    "scheduledDate": "2019-03-31T10:50:25.227Z",
    "autosend": true,
    "archived": true
    "uid": "ouv0JudLkGm8CmS9iKj",
    "text": "Hello Email",
    "recipients": [
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "lastname": "Appleseed",
        "firstname": "John"
    "spentCredits": 1,
    "repeatMode": "kSCHRepeatModeNone",
    "scheduledDate": "2019-03-11T10:50:25.227Z",
    "autosendemail": true

This endpoint retrieves all your messages.

HTTP Request


Get a Specific Message

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "uid": "dJq2jvUOok2FdDxKAt9",
    "text": "Hello There",
    "recipients": [
        "phone": "+316876543210",
        "lastname": "Appleseed",
        "firstname": "John"
    "spentCredits": 1,
    "repeatMode": "kSCHRepeatModeNone",
    "scheduledDate": "2019-03-31T10:50:25.227Z",
    "autosend": true,
    "archived": true

This endpoint retrieves a specific message.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The UID of the message to receive

Create a new Message

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  -d $'{
  "recipients": [
      "firstname": "Jonh",
      "lastname": "Appleseed",
      "phone": "+316876543210"
  "text": "Hello There",
  "sentDate": "2019-12-30T10:50:25.227Z"

The above command returns JSON structured of the message:

  "uid": "ouv0Ju8dLkGm8CmS9iK",
  "text": "Hello There",
  "recipients": [
      "lastname": "Jonh",
      "firstname": "Appleseed",
      "phone": "+316876543210"
  "spentCredits": 1,
  "repeatMode": "kSCHRepeatModeNone",
  "scheduledDate": "2019-12-30T10:50:25.227Z",
  "autosend": true

This endpoint creates a new message.

HTTP Request


JSON payload key values

Parameter Type Required Description
text String * The test message you want to send
subject String Only used when schedule a email message
scheduledDate Date * Date and time when to send the message
recipients Array * Array with recipients
recipients.firstname String First name of the recipient
recipients.lastname String Last name of the recipient String * Phone number of recipient (required when scheduling sms) String * Email address of recipient (required when scheduling email)
repeatMode String One of the following: kSCHRepeatModeNone, kSCHRepeatModeDaily, kSCHRepeatModeWeekly, kSCHRepeatModeMonthly, kSCHRepeatModeYearly, kSCHRepeatModeWeekdays, kSCHRepeatModeEveryTwoWeeks
repeatEndDate Date Date and time when the repeat modus must stop
autosend Bool Set to true if you want to schedule a sms message
autosendemail Bool Set to true if you want to schedule a email message

Update a Specific Message

curl "" \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  -d $'{
  "recipients": [
      "firstname": "Jonh",
      "lastname": "Appleseed",
      "phone": "+316876543210"
  "text": "Hello There",
  "sentDate": "2019-12-31T10:50:25.227Z"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "uid": "ouv0Ju8dLkGm8CmS9iK",
  "text": "Hello There",
  "recipients": [
      "lastname": "Jonh",
      "firstname": "Appleseed",
      "phone": "+316876543210"
  "spentCredits": 1,
  "repeatMode": "kSCHRepeatModeNone",
  "scheduledDate": "2019-12-31T10:50:25.227Z",
  "autosend": true

This endpoint retrieves a specific message.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The UID of the message to receive

JSON payload key values

Parameter Type Required Description
text String * The test message you want to send
subject String Only used when schedule a email message
scheduledDate Date * Date and time when to send the message
recipients Array * Array with recipients
recipients.firstname String First name of the recipient
recipients.lastname String Last name of the recipient String * Phone number of recipient (required when scheduling sms) String * Email address of recipient (required when scheduling email)
repeatMode String One of the following: kSCHRepeatModeNone, kSCHRepeatModeDaily, kSCHRepeatModeWeekly, kSCHRepeatModeMonthly, kSCHRepeatModeYearly, kSCHRepeatModeWeekdays, kSCHRepeatModeEveryTwoWeeks
repeatEndDate Date Date and time when the repeat modus must stop
autosend Bool Set to true if you want to schedule a sms message
autosendemail Bool Set to true if you want to schedule a email message

Delete a Specific Message

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: scheduledrules" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "ouv0Ju8dLkGm8CmS9iK",
  "deleted" : true

This endpoint deletes a specific message.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The UID of the message to receive